Position Applying for: Moderator
Name: Stephanie
Forums & chat username & server username: XxstephxX
Age:I will be 19 in december
What do you do best:Well I can code if needed but I think I would be a great mod since I have alot of experience on many other servers
What do you enjoy:I love skilling on rsps or rune
got 9 99s on runescape
Why do you want to be staff:Because I like the server and I love helping new player's
Experience:Owner and creator of (fire-isle) old server like a year and half ago . plus I worked on silab garza source and I been co owner of jinrake scape (pvp planet)
Are you committied to this server (Yes/No):Don't know what it mean
sorry am french
Why or why NOT are you committied to this server:
Will you be on alot? Explain:Well I can be on at least 3 hour's a day only starting college in junuary so yes I would be on pretty much, morning's some time and for sure 3 hour's per night plus am french so if french people's come and other staffs don't understand i'll be able to help them
Thanks for listening and Good luck to every 1 that applied